A Werewolf Fantasy

Chapter 19

After years of honing his skills in dark magic and diabolic mysticism with the help of his friend, Zokman, the powerful shaman of the north-east village of Vomani, Nikjin was finally ready to take his rightful place in the sands of history as the new Prime Alpha. He had always believed that he deserved the position of the supreme leader of all werewolves, not his weak older brother with his stupid diplomatic system of ruling as humans did. It was time for him to restore balance and sanity to the community of werewolves where the supreme leader is a god revered and feared by his subjects.

Nikjin was determined to not only assassinate his brother but also wipe out his entire family, including his daughters-in-law and his grandchildren. His mission was to obliterate his brother's lineage along with anyone who might be a threat to his reign as Prime Alpha.

From his vantage point on the hill, he had seen how his beastly minions had devastated the werewolves with their fast and furious style of attack, and he was greatly pleased. He had observed that his brother and his wife were now tired, having fought non-stop for several minutes, and were barely able to keep themselves upright.

Now, was the best time for him to finish them off under the glare of the full moon. Zokman had told him that it was a very lucky omen for him to become the Prime Alpha under the watchful gaze of a full moon, and he was here to do just that. He could feel power buzzing through him as he continued his proud gait toward his main target - Vak. The beasts fighting against the Prime Alpha immediately fell back when they noticed the presence of their master.

"Nijkin," Vak Smallchief sneered with disdain. "So, you have finally shown up to finish what your servants started, have you not?"

"Indeed, my dear brother," said Nikjin with a smirk. "I have come to take what is rightfully mine."

"And what exactly is that?"

"My position as Prime Alpha. I am here to restore order and sanity to the werewolf kind, something you have been unable to do since you became the supreme leader."

Vak snorted. "You seem to have forgotten that if it was not for me, you would not even be a werewolf. I started this race as a way to protect my family from our enemies, and I decided to empower everyone around me by making them werewolves too, including you. Now, this is how you want to repay me?"

"I would have become the first werewolf had I known that Olna Raven's father had the power to make it happen. Nevertheless, thanks to my good friend, Zokman, I now possess great powers that you can only dream of.

"With my powers, I shall become unstoppable as the Prime Alpha. I shall conquer the humans and raise a mighty army of werewolves like the world has never seen. I shall rule the world and become immortal." "You have lost your mind, Nikjin," said Vak in wonder. "What are you saying?"

"I am saying that we as werewolves are living below our potential as supreme predators. Why do we still live in hiding away from humans? Why do we still try to look and behave like them, when we are obviously better and more powerful than them? Why are you subduing us?"

"I am not subduing anyone," Vak argued. "We only fight humans who fight us and seek to take away our territory from us. What you are proposing is nothing short of insanity. Can you not see that?"

Nikjin glowered at his brother, his fangs bared. "You speak nonsense, Vak. You are a coward who does not deserve the position of power that you now occupy. You may be the first werewolf in history, but that does not mean the rest of us have to continue to suffer under your reign or live in hiding like powerless prey. I have come here tonight to liberate all werewolves from your visionless leadership. Enough is enough!"

He launched himself at the Prime Alpha, knocking him to the ground with his superior strength. Before Vak could regain his balance, Nikjin was on him, pinning the supreme leader in place on the ground.

"You see, my dear brother. You are no match for me," Nikjin bragged. "This is not a good look for you at all. Werewolves deserve a powerful leader who they can trust with their lives, and right now, that leader is not you."

"You lie!" Vak shouted at him and continued to struggle to free himself from his brother's forceful grip. "Shed your dark magic and fight me werewolf to werewolf, and then we shall see who will win."

Nikjin lifted his head and laughed wickedly. "Shed my dark magic, you say? That is wishful thinking, Vak. I am the dark magic."noveldrama

Vak snorted derisively. "Look at what you have turned yourself into because of your thirst for power. Our parents would be greatly disappointed if they could see you now."

"In that case, kindly convey my heartfelt apologies to them when you see them tonight. I hope you have made your peace with the world, Vak because I am about to make you an ancestor."

With eyes glinting victoriously, Nikjin prepared to sink his fangs into his brother's neck and drink his blood, and finally become the Prime Alpha of all werewolves. His teeth were a hair's breadth from Vak's hide when someone rammed into him, knocking him off balance.

He had been so fixated on killing his brother that he did not see his assailant from his side-eye before he was tackled.

Nikjin whipped his head around to see who had interrupted his moment of glory, and his insides burned with rage when he saw that it was his newly married nephew, Danshak.

"How dare you?" he whispered angrily, as he slowly regained his footing. "I promise you, Danshak, you will not survive this night."

Nikjin lifted his head and let out a loud howl, and instantly, all the beasts stopped fighting the werewolves and zeroed their attention on Danshak. As soon as their master stopped howling, they ran toward Danshak in a maddening rush, knocking one another down in their haste to get to him.

Realizing what was happening, Danshak took to his heels in the opposite direction to get away from the beasts that were now hot on his heels. The rest of the werewolves followed suit, tackling any beast within their reach to stop them from following the Prime Alpha's son.

Amid all this chaos, Nikjin found the perfect opportunity to have another go at his brother whose attention was now divided. He propelled himself forward, jumping above the stampeding creatures toward his brother, but once again, his attack was stalled by a werewolf that seemed to jump at him from nowhere.

From the size and smell of the werewolf, he could tell that it was female, and that angered him the more.

"I will make an example of you tonight," he sneered at the offending werewolf and proceeded to dig his teeth into her skin. He heard Vak screaming, "No!" but he couldn't care less. Fueled by his rage, he began to rip apart the she-wolf beneath him who was already too weak to even fight back for her life.

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