A Werewolf Fantasy

Chapter 37

Erin did not believe that it was possible for her to be even more confused, but she was. "Immortal? That's impossible," she said.

"Have you not heard that nothing is impossible?" he asked smugly.

"How... how did you - "

"Become immortal?" he completed her question. "Well, thanks to Zokman, we both unlocked the power of eternal life a long time ago. For every child I have lost, I have gained additional years to my life."

His last statement didn't make an iota of sense to her, so she asked, "What do you mean by that?"

He leaned back in his seat and made himself very comfortable before speaking again.

"You see, after years of seeking great knowledge from his powerful ancestors in the spirit realm, Zokman told me that I could attain immortality by drinking the blood of my unborn.

"That is why I take the life of any female who ever becomes pregnant with my child and I take the unborn baby's blood to be used in an immortality ritual."

Erin thought she would faint. She had never heard anything so disturbing or as barbaric as what Nikjin was telling her now. This fellow was either very stupid or downright insane to allow his shambolic shaman to deceive him so cruelly. How could he believe that killing his unborn babies and consuming their blood could make him immortal? How could he believe something as stupid as that?

"That is the vilest thing I have ever heard in my life," she said in disgust. "How could you do such? How can you believe that doing something as horrible as that is enough to make you immortal? Do you always believe everything that Zokman tells you?"

Nikjin shrugged. "Why should I not? He has proven himself to be very powerful and true, until today, that is."

"Is he immortal too?"

"Not exactly," he said after a brief hesitation.

"And why not?" Erin probed.

"Well, he is... impotent, but he has been able to create some strong concoctions that will keep him alive for many years to come, as long as he can continue to have access to those mixtures."

Erin scoffed. "How convenient it is for him to be impotent while he makes you kill your children and drink their blood."

"I think you have said enough to malign Zokman's character today. I will not tolerate any more negative aspersions from you," he warned her. "The man may have his flaws but he has proven to be a true friend and a great ally to me for several years." "Is he a werewolf?"

"No, but he can make werewolves," he said with a proud smile.

"He makes werewolves?"

"I told you he is very powerful, didn't I? Who do you think made those dark beasts that have waged war on my behalf against Vak and his subjects?"

"Wait, Zokman created those wild beasts?"


"And you call those things werewolves? They bear no resemblance to us at all."

"Well, everything is still a work in progress, dear Luna. When I become the Alpha King, Zokman will perfect his techniques using people from other regions as well. Until then, we shall make do with what we have for now."

An alarm went off in Erin's head. "What do you mean by using people from other regions? How does Zokman create his kind of werewolves?"

Nikjin laughed. "I think I may have given you more credit than you deserve, Luna. Have you not figured that out yet? Why are we called werewolves? Is it not because we can become humans or wolves at will?" "Wait, do you mean those creatures were humans before Zokman converted them?"

"Of course. The only difference between them and us is that they cannot shape shift and become humans again as we can. However, as I said before, when I become the Prime Alpha, we shall rectify that problem." Erin's heart sank to her stomach. The more Nikjin spoke, the sicker she became. She had thought that those creatures were simply something Zokman conjured up with his vile magical powers, and not real living creatures. But now she had just discovered that they were not only living creatures but humans who were turned into caricatures of werewolves. She was even more disturbed to remember that she had killed some of them in battle. Although she'd done that in self-defense, it still felt wrong that she had killed humans who were made into monsters, probably against their will.

"Who were the people he used?" she asked, even though she didn't really want to know the answer to that question because she was sure that it wouldn't be good.

"Many of them were some of the original settlers here before Zokman and I moved here. The ones that tried to challenge me and resist my authority became my prisoners," he said with zero empathy.

"They were the first batch we used in our experiment. Then there were others from other places whom we encountered during our journeys together. Whoever disrespected me or compared me to Vak became an instant prisoner. After the last battle in Denai' Vena, I brought them back here and locked them up. They and the remaining humans will join me in the next battle on the night of the full moon when I shall become king."

At this point, Erin was finally convinced that she was sitting in the same room with a psychopath. That was the only word she saw fit to describe Nikjin perfectly.

"Why do you look so shocked?" he asked her. "Do you not know that to achieve greatness, sacrifices have to be made?"

"These sacrifices are too great, Nikjin. Far too great," she said emotionally.

"And that is how it should be, for the reward shall be even greater."

"My lord, may I enter?" Zokman called from outside.

"Yes, Zokman. Come in," said Nikjin.

When Zokman lifted the flap on the doorway to enter the longhouse, she noticed that the sky was becoming bright, which meant that daytime was fast approaching. She hadn't realized that she and Nikjin had been discussing for hours. "The servants have completed their errands. All of the prisoners have been attended to," he said, pointedly ignoring Erin.noveldrama

She felt a measure of relief, knowing that Danshak and his family along with the warriors have finally been given water to drink. That should revive them from the acute dehydration that they'd had to endure for the past 48 hours. It wasn't much but she felt good to have contributed to making that happen. If she continued to suck up to Nikjin and made Zokman look more stupid, she just might succeed in getting food across to her family and the warriors. "You seem to be very pleased by this information," Nikjin said, looking at her intently.

"I am not going to lie and say that I am not," she admitted.

"I am glad to know that my family will live through another day while they're in captivity. I only wish that you could show them some more mercy and let them have food tomorrow. You do want them to be alive when the full moon comes, do you not?"

Her innocent act didn't fool him one bit. "You are pushing it, Luna," he said in a warning tone.

"The idea of keeping them there is to torture them until I am ready to kill them, and not to fatten them up to overpower me on my night of glory. They will neither get any more water nor food until I say so. If you try to appeal to me to do otherwise, I shall have your mate and his brother killed immediately. I do not need either of them for the final battle."

Erin's heart squeezed in terror and her mouth dried up. She realized now that she had overplayed her hand and it was time for her to keep her mouth shut so as not to risk getting her family killed.

She reminded herself to be very careful when dealing with Nikjin because one wrong word could tip him over the edge and send him on a vicious rampage that would be devastating for her.

"As you say, my lord," she said quietly.

"Has anyone else come through the portal in the cave?" Nikjin asked Zokman.

The old man shook his head. "The youngest werewolf appears to be the wisest one in Vak's family. He has sent some of his warriors back home for reinforcements while he and the remaining warriors have set camp in front of the cave. He does not seem to be in a hurry to enter the cave."

Nikjin smiled. "I have always known Zanisck to be the shrewd one amongst the boys. Perhaps we should give them a little encouragement, eh?"

Zokman smiled for the first time since Erin had met him, and it wasn't a pretty sight. "Shall I release the caged beasts to go after them then?" "Precisely, but only a handful. I do not want Zanisck to be killed out there. Every werewolf with Smallchief blood must die on my turf." "Very well, my lord. Shall I send them right away?"

Erin had to make a conscious effort to stop herself from fidgeting. She was afraid for Zanisck and Zorraya and all the other werewolves out there who do not know that they were about to be attacked by the beastly creatures. She wished she could run out through the cave to warn them, but that was impossible.

"Yes," said Nikjin in response to Zokman's question. His eyes were on Erin, studying her reaction.

"Send twenty beasts. They will give Zanisck and his warriors something to do for a few minutes. I believe that they will appreciate the exercise," he added with a wicked glint in his eyes.

"Right away, my lord," said Zokman gleefully. He was thoroughly enjoying Erin's distress and before he left the room, he rewarded her with a smug, toothy smile.

He was obviously happy to be in his friend's good graces again and delighted to see that this female who had nearly cost him his friendship with the next Alpha King had been put in her place.

When Zokman left, Nikjin spoke to Erin again. "I know you think I am a cruel being, but if you have lived through the abuse that I have, you will understand why I am this way. Life has never been kind to me, Luna. I have always had to fight for everything I own and I am tired of fighting. I know I deserve better and that is what I am trying to obtain for myself."

"By taking innocent lives?" she asked defiantly. If he was going to kill her, he should do so now and stop tormenting her in this horrid place he called home.

"By eliminating every obstacle in my way," he fired back unflinchingly. "You have the chance to join me now as I embark on my journey to change history. Will you be beside me and live eternally as my queen, or would you rather die with the losers?"

Erin wasn't sure if this was a trick question or if he truly meant it, but she didn't know the right way to respond to it.

"Very well," he said quietly, taking her silence to mean no. "I shall perform one act of kindness for you, Luna. Maybe I shall be redeemed in your eyes if I do so."

"What are you talking about?" she asked suspiciously.

"I shall let you see your mate one last time and then I will let you go."

Her jaw dropped in shock. "What?"

"I will let you go into the cell where I have kept him and you will have the opportunity to say goodbye to him before you leave. What do you say?"

She was speechless. Nikjin was going to allow her to see Danshak? It was unbelievable! "Wh - what do I have to do for you in... return?" she stuttered, still completely blown away by Nikjin's offer.

"Do not tell him anything you and I have discussed here," he said. "Just say your goodbyes to him and leave."

Her chin began to wobble uncontrollably and before she could stop herself, she stood up and walked over to where Nikjin sat to embrace him. "Thank you," she whispered.

His body went rigid with surprise and he did not hug her back. "Get ready for your visit," he rasped. "Cheyenne shall take you to the mouth of the portal."

She straightened up and cleared her throat self-consciously. "When can I go?"

"When Zokman returns from his errand," said Nikjin. His demeanor has become somewhat subdued. "He will tell Cheyenne how to get you through the portal. Now leave me, I need a moment to myself."

Erin stepped out of the room quickly as if she was afraid that Nikjin would change his mind. She didn't know why he suddenly decided to become nice to her, or if there was a catch to this generous offer of his. Whatever the case may be, she was just happy that for the first time since she came to this miserable place, she would finally be able to put a plan in motion to secure the freedom of her mate and the rest of her family.

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