BIT 49

Chapter 49

Max turned out to be right. After Victor was captured, there was no more terror, at least for a while.

“Are you sure you don’t want to ask your mother about that?” Rebecca asked, touching Harvey’s hand.

Harvey shook his head. “No, maybe one day. Ready to go?”

“Yeah, let’s go back to Manhattan” exclaimed Rebecca.

After a long discussion, they finally agreed to return to Manhattan. This happened after Harvey received a phone call from the Specter family’s lawyer, who said that his late grandfather depended on Harvey greatly to handle their family business because no one else in the family could be trusted.

“I’ll be busy catching up on work for the next few weeks. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?” Harvey asked while driving.

Well, actually, I want to start being an active influencer again, but…”

“Do what you love, and I’ll support you!” Harvey exclaimed, reaching out to hold Rebecca’s hand gently.

“Really? Thanks, Harvey!” Rebecca smiled broadly and quickly called Cathy. “Cathy, I’m back!”

The next morning, Rebecca woke up fading unusually tired and a bit nauseous. She brushed it off as stress from their recent move and the emotional toll of the past year. But when the symptoms persisted, she decided to see a doctor.

“Are you sure you don’t want to adjust your schedule so I can accompany you?” Harvey asked while hugging her.

She shook her head. “I’m not a kid; I can handle it myself. See you at dinner!” she said, then quickly kissed Harvey’s cheek.

Sitting in the waiting room, her mind raced with possibilities. She couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. When the nurse called her name, she took a deep breath and followed her into the examination room.

After a series of questions and a quick examination, the doctor smiled at her.



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Congratulations, you’re pregnant.”

Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat. She was filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and fear all at once. She had always wanted to start a family with Harvey, but the timing. seemed both perfect and terrifying.

As she walked back to their house, she couldnt wait to share the news with Harvey. When she arrived home, she found him in the living room, looking handsome in his

white shirt.

She approached him, her heart pounding with anticipation.

“Hey, babe, how was it? Is everything okay? You’re not sick or something, are you?” Harvey asked when he saw her.

“No, um, it’s all good, but I have something to tell you,” she said, her voice trembling

with excitement.

He looked up, concern and curiosity in his eyes. “What is it?”

Rebecca took a deep breath, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. “I’m pregnant.

For a moment, Harvey just stared at her, processing the news. Then a broad smile. spread across his face, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. “Oh God, are you sure?” he whispered.

Rebecca nodded, unable to hold back her tears. Harvey caressed her back gently. “We’re going to be parents, that’s great!” he said excitedly. He kissed her head and looked at Rebecca’s face intently.

“Let’s get married again; this baby deserves recognition,” he said firmly. Even though he had proposed before, due to the recent chaos, the wedding had not yet taken place. Rebecca smiled, “Yeah, let’s do it…”

The next few months after they tied the knot were a whirlwind of preparations and excitement. They decorated the nursery, attended prenatal classes, and spent countless hours dreaming about their future as a family. The joy of expecting a child brought them even closer together, even though Harvey and his family were still in a cold war.

However, as the due date approached, Rebecca couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. She had been experiencing strange dreams but tried to brush them off, attributing it to the natural anxieties of pregnancy.



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One evening, as they sat on the couch, Rebecca voiced her concerns to Harvey, “Do you ever feel like something bad is going to happen?she asked, her voice barely above a Whisper

Harvey looked at her, his expression serious. What do you mean?”

“I don’t know,” Rebecca said, shaking her head. “It’s just a feeling. Like there’s something we’re not seeing, something that’s still out there.”

Harvey wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort her. “We’ve been through so much already, babe. It’s normal to feel anxious. But we’re safe now.”

Rebecca nodded, trying to believe his words, But deep down, she couldn’t shake the feeling that their troubles weren’t over yet.

“The baby is moving!” exclaimed Harvey as he placed his palm on her belly. Rebeccal chuckled. “Do you think it’s a girl or a boy? I refused when the OB–GYN wanted to reveal the gender because I want it to be a surprise.”

“Um. I don’t know, but I don’t mind if it’s a girl or a boy. I’ll love my kid anyway.” answered Harvey, bending down to kiss her belly gently.

Suddenly, Rebecca’s stomach felt sick. She looked down, holding it while wincing.

“Becky, what’s wrong? Are you in pain?” Harvey asked worriedly.

Rebecca nodded, her face turning pale instantly.

“Could it be that you’re about to give birth?” Harvey knelt before Rebecca, not knowing what to do to help his wife.

“I’m just 35 weeks along; it should still be a while before my due date,” said Rebecca, trying to regulate her breathing to ease the pain. After trying to lie down for fifteen minutes and with the pain only getting more intense, Rebecca started to worry.

“Harvey, do you think something is wrong with my pregnancy?”

Harvey shook his head. “Don’t say that. I’ll put you in a wheelchair; we’re going to the hospital now!” he exclaimed, trying not to panic but failing.

Rebecca sat with tears streaming down her face. She bit her lip, holding back the pain that spread to her back and legs, something she had never felt before. “Just a minute, babe, we’re close to the hospital,” Harvey said, reaching out one hand to hold Rebecca’s





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cold, wet hand. His face was tense; he was scared. He was afraid of losing Rebecca and their unborn child.

Five minutes later, Harvey stopped his car at the hospital emergency unit. Paramedics rushed to Rebecca’s aid and got her onto a gurney.

“Everything will be fine, okay? Harvey said, half running to keep up with the gurney.

Rebecca just nodded while crying, not only because the pain was unbearable but because she was afraid she would lose her baby. After several tense minutes, the docto decided to perform a cesarean section due to an infection in Rebecca’s womb. Even though it was difficult because their baby was still very small, for the safety of mother and child. Rebecca and Harvey agreed.

Lying on the operating table made Rebecca’s heart pound. “Can my husband come in and accompany me?” Rebecca asked before the operation began.

“Does he have a panic attack?” asked a nurse.

Rebecca shook her head. “He’s very calm. Please, I need him,” she said, almost crying again.

Not long after, Harvey appeared, wearing scrubs. He immediately approached Rebecc “Relax, okay? I’ll be here; we’ll face this together.”

“It’s a baby girl!” the OB–GYN exclaimed as she took Rebecca’s baby out of the amnioti sac. Rebecca looked up at Harvey and smiled weakly.

Two hours after the cesarean section, the horror was almost over. But when Harvey an the nurse were moving Rebecca to the inpatient room, Harvey’s assistant suddenly came running from the corridor towards them.

“Sir, can I have a moment?”

Harvey frowned and then nodded. From atop the gurney, a half–sleepy Rebecca watched them with a million questions in her head.

Not long after, Harvey returned with a tense face.

“Babe, there’s something very urgent that I have to take care of at the office. I promise I’ll be back as soon as possible,” he said, rubbing Rebecca’s head.

Rebecca swallowed hard. Fear immediately coursed through her bloodstream. “Is it that






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Harvey smiled, but the tension on his face was back with your favorite chocolate croissants.

Tlove you too…

After lying more comfortably in bed, Rebecca the bad thoughts in her head and chose to for she could breastfeed her baby well.

Suddenly, her cell phone vibrated. She smiled



“Becky? Have you heard the latest news?” aske had just given birth.

“What news?”

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