Rejected, And Became A Heiress (Cara)

Please Became 24

The flash of my bright red hair must have caught Alaric's eye because I only make it a few steps before Alaric is chasing me. "CARA! STOP!" He grabs at my elbow, spinning me around.

The force of the motion was so great, I nearly crash to the ground. At the last second, a hand reaches out to catch me.

My body is still spinning, so the hand almost touches my breast, ends up supporting my stomach, trying to hold onto me.

I look up at my

my savior and see a stranger with dark red hair.

Alaric's face is terribly angry.


"Who is this man?" The Alpha King demands, not tearing his eyes away from the stranger.

A shimmer forms around Alaric's features, subtle at first, then glowing more and more prominent. If it's even possible, he looks even more handsome now as the shimmer intensifies. His eyes began to turn red. Feould almost see his fangs.

That shimmer can incan only one thing....

The Alpha King is about to shift into wolf form. Chapter 16


"Alpha King, sir, the Pack DarkWood Beta you asked me to invesgate, Cara Wilson? It appears she was lost as a child. That's when DarkWood found her bid made her one of their own." "Thank you again for looking into this, Walter," I say to my Beta One more thing... What year was Cara Wilson lost?"

The old man checks the notepad in his hand before responding She was three years of age, sb that's.... twenty-two years ago My Beta nods briefly before leaving. Twenty-two years ago.. that's the same year my sister Lilia got lot...

Something definitely doesn't feel right about this.

Years ago, Nanny showed us Lilia's genetic test results that proved Lilia is my brother Richard is a doctor, surely he could ensure new test results would be perfectly reliable...

I dial Lila's phone number as quickly as my fingers would let me She won't like the idea of taking another test, but it's the only way be able to let my mind rest about this... I'll have to convince her.

"Wel, well, well, look who finally has time to talk to me!" Lilia's voice is shrill and grating, "Good thing I don't need you anymore!" She laughs.

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean you don't need me anymore?"

"Someone else came to help me deal with this annoying nuisance, Cara Wilson! A brother I can actually count on. Richard's. been helping me take care of her! "What?!" My jaw drops in surprise.

Cara's Perspective

Thankfully, Alaric finds his last bit of reason and prevents himself from shifting into wolf form right here in the hospital hallway.

Alaric's control was a good thing, because the new red-headed stranger was starting to get that distinct shimmer of shifting. around his eyes, too.

That could have been bad. Really bad.

The last thing the pack needs is two wolves fighting and ripping the hospital apart.

I breathe a sigh of relief and hear the stranger introduce himself to Alaric and me, "I'm Richard. Sorry we haven't met yet, I'm a new doctor here at the hospital and was just trying to find my way around. I didn't mean to interject into your private discussion." My nose tickles, and I realize it's the scent coming off of the stranger, Richard. The scent.. it's strange... not bad, but intriguing. like I want to get closer to him.

"I was assigned to find a Miss Cara Wilson and bring her for examination.. is that her?" Richard asks Alaric, pointing a finger

Alaric nods, face still looking on edge. "No, that's her. You can take her." The Alpha King turns to me and says quietly and ominously, "We'll talk later."


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I take a deep breath to compose myself and turn to follow Richard.

"Nice to meet you. Cara," he says with a big, brood smile. His hail is extended, waiting for me to shake in introduction.

Ishake his hand. "Nice to meet you, too,"

We turn to walk, and I suddenly feel a pain in my stomach. It's not very strong, but it comes out of a and startles me. I try to continue my deep breaths, hoping the pain will go away soon. "Something wrong?" Richard asks over his shoulder as he walks, noticing my change in breathing.

"Nothing, just a little discomfort." I say quickly, hoping he does ask me more.

"So, what do you do around here?" He asks lightly

"I'm the Alpha King's Beta.." I reply. Hopefully I won't be Alaric Beta for much longer...

"Well, you certainly have to handle a little discomfort to be a good Beta, don't you?" Richard asks.

His tone isn't rude, but it's not exactly nice or polite either. I'm giving him a confused look when that curious, intriguing scent hits my nose again.

Why is that smell so interesting? I need to get closer to find out

"Seems like the Alpha King is protective of you, isn't he?" Richard asks, gesturing back towards the part of the hallway where the women both nearly shifted into wolf forth to fight.

"I suppose so," I said quietly.

"Don't you find that odd, considering he's about to marry someone else?" Richard turns to me, his expression growing darker

"Look, you seem nice, Cara. So, why would a nice she-wolf like you want to interfere in someone else's marriage Why would you want to be an unwelcome gold digging interloper, aren't you better than that?" I'm completely stunned by the question. Who is this guy and how does he know about Alaric and me! I'm not sure what to say, afraid I might give too much information away by how I respond.

If only he knew how hard I've been trying to get away from Alaric.. to get away from Park DarkWood.....

Richard's looking at me with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an answer.noveldrama

"Cara!" I hear the familiar voice of my best friend Ruby. "Cara, there you are! I've been looking for you!"

She turns to Richard and looks him up and down, "Thanks, but Tll take her from here." When he opens his mouth to speak, she flashes her hospital obstetrician badge, showing she's the more senior hospital staff. Ruby guides me into a nearby examination room and chats with me casually while she conducts a series of tests. She's pricking my finger for a droplet of blood when she looks closely at my hands.

"Have you had this yellow powder on your hand for long?" She niks seriously.

I'm confused. "What yellow powder?" I look down and see what she's talking about.

When did that get there? It's all over my right hand.

Ruby swabs my hands, collecting a sample of the powder before placing it in a vial filled with some liquid

turns bright red.

that immediately


15:26 Wed, Jan 1 G G

"That's what I thought, she says to herself, looking at the red vi

"It's an anti-fertility medicine.

"Is the baby okay?" I ask immediately, suddenly terrified. I chute my belly as Ruby grabs a stethoscope.

I hold sy my shirt as she listens to my abdomen. "The baby is fine! Vitals sound strong. She turns off the machine and hands me a bonle

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