Sinful Hearts: A Dark Mafia Enemies To Lovers Romance

Sinful Hearts: Chapter 21

You’d think by now, I’d have become immune to Hades’…filthiness. His ability to rattle me by saying things that should make me livid and disgusted, instead of warm and wet.

Immune, or at least slightly numb. Desensitized. But apparently, I’m not. Case in point: the way I’ve been staring at my phone screen for the last five solid minutes, re-reading over and over the last text he sent me.


does your ass miss my tongue?

I’ve literally re-read it close to a hundred times. And it has not lost its edge yet.

I still tingle every time I read it. Still feel my pulse quicken, still squeeze my thighs together at my desk.

Still squirmy, achy, and needy. I mean, what the fuck, self?

I’ve been like this since yesterday, when he…yeah.

Pinned me to my office door, yanked my panties down, and tongued my clit. Then my ass, until I came like a wrecking ball. And as much as I still want to feel—I don’t know, embarrassed?—for something so insanely dirty feeling so good, I can’t.

All I feel when I think about it is the need for more, like an addiction.

And that’s Hades in a nutshell: something dirty that feels so good.

My phone buzzes on the desk in front of me.


Is this you ignoring me, or are you too busy playing with your pussy while thinking about me to answer your texts

My face throbs with heat. I mean, the audacity of the man.


You’re the one texting me, Hades.

I bite my lip, grinning as my thumbs tap over the screen.


Like a stood-up prom date, I might add.


did you even go to prom? or were you too busy organizing your receipts and ironing your underwear


You’re the one currently in possession of a pair of my underwear, you tell me: do they look and feel ironed?


No, but they smell like your pussy, and it’s making me hungry

I mean, sweet JESUS. This is what I’m dealing with. How do you even respond to that? And why the hell does it turn me on so much when he talks to me like this?

I simmer, squirming in my chair as heat pools between my thighs.


We don’t have prom in the UK. At least, we didn’t when I was in school. We had school formals.


that sounds like prom but with pinkies out and a guy called Jeeves taking your coat and riding boots at the door


lol. We were poor, and so was the school I went to. My formal was biscuits and fruit punch served off a folding table in the gymnasium with a bad DJ. And then an afterparty at a sketchy motel where everyone could screw.

I chew on my lip as I make an addition to my last text.


I mean, obviously not EVERYONE. I’m pretty sure I was too busy telling everyone not to get drunk to do any of that, lol.


You mean too busy to screw guys

I roll my eyes. I can almost feel his possessive glare through the phone.


Oh, no, I did a ton of that. Dick all night. The whole rugby team, actually. Choo-choo!

There’s no response for a full minute. I grin.


You KNOW I’m joking. What are you doing, sulking?


I do know you’re joking but don’t

I roll my eyes again.


And why is that?


because I don’t even want you joking about being with other men

Oh. My. God. Possessive much?




because you’re mine

Heat explodes in my core. My pulse begins to beat even faster, and I start to shiver. Goddammit, there’s something insanely sexy about this ridiculously over-the-top caveman routine, even though there’s no way I would have ever found this even a mild turn-on in anyone else.

But…that’s Hades.

Something new. And wild. And insane.


and I wasn’t sulking, I was looking up your class list from your school


I’m sorry, what? Why?


So that I could check through all the guys who might have been at that post-formal afterparty, or any party, who might have touched you

My pulse pounds in my ears. My breath becomes shaky.


Why is that?


So that I could find them and fucking kill them

There’s no “lol” at the end of that statement. No funny gif. No cute emoji.

It’s not a joke. He’s legitimately that insane, and dangerous, and more than capable of doing that. And apparently, I’m far more than capable of getting wetter than rain when he says shit like that.


You’d seriously kill someone for touching me?




That’s ALL?? Just for touching me?


Does there need to be any other reason

I stare at the screen, eyes bugging out of my face, my mouth hanging open.

And my panties a fucking mess.

Maybe there really is something off with Hades. Maybe he’s even more of a psycho—like, legitimately so—than I’ve ever guessed. But if he is, then there’s a strong chance, given how much this whole act is turning me on, that I am, too.


and you’re deflecting. we were talking about your ass missing me

I blush fiercely.


No, YOU were talking about that.


yet again, deflection instead of an honest answer.


Too bad.


answer me or I’ll come over there and ask it myself and this time I’ll leave the fucking door open

Fuck. My entire body clenches and squirms. My skin feels electric under my clothes. What the hell has this man done to me?


Fine. No, it does not.


I said an HONEST answer

I flush deeply.


you’re too busy being this buttoned up good girl to admit you came like a fucking geyser with my tongue in your ass, aren’t you


Who even talks like this?


me, obviously

in any case I’m glad she misses me



Fuck. I walked right into that one.


your ass. don’t worry, I’m not done with her. next time, it won’t just be my tongue opening her up

I stare at the screen with wide, scandalized, but oh-so-eager eyes.

Holy. Shit.




you know what I mean, kitten


I might need clarification.

Three dots appear and then disappear. And then suddenly, a picture just pops right up on my screen that sucks the air from my lungs and sends my jaw crashing to the fucking floor.

His cock.

Hades’ fully-erect, VERY large, very thick, very bulging-with-a-vein-running-down-the-length-of-it cock.

…and the icing on the cake is my stolen thong wrapped around the base of it.

Sweet. Tap-dancing. Christ.

You’re supposed to be angry at unsolicited dick pics. And normally, I damn well would be.

…Unless, apparently, that unsolicited dick pic comes from Hades Drakos. Because when his gorgeous cock fills my screen, all I want to do is freaking lick it. All over.

I am absolutely, one hundred percent, going insane.


how’s the clarity on that

I shiver.


When did you take that?


just now


Are you at home?


I’m sitting in traffic, why

Oh my God, he’s an animal. He just took a picture of his massive dick with my panties wrapped around it in midtown traffic. Like, who does that?

And also…

My eyes slide over the image, heat spreading through every single nook and cranny of my body. My nipples feeling electrified against my bra. My clit aching to be touched under my slick panties.

Hades has a freaking beautiful dick. Like, that thing is the Brad Pitt or Benicio del Toro of dicks. It’s ridiculous.

It’s also huge. Like the sort of huge where I’m actually confused how it fit inside my vagina. And that’s built for delivering babies, for fuck’s sake.


I feel that I need to set some expectations.




Concerning my ass.


please elaborate


As it pertains to your penis.

I cringe. I really did just say “penis”, didn’t I?


talk dirty to me, baby. tell me more about my penile member and your vaginal cavity

I giggle, loudly.


or any other bodily cavities we were discussing. And these expectations you wish to set

I blush.


There’s no way your cock is going in there.


that’s factually incorrect

I grin.


I’m being serious. It isn’t physically possible.


what makes you so sure

I scroll up to the picture in the middle of our conversation, screenshot it, and then text him the screenshot.


Uuuuhh…because your dick is the size of a baseball bat??!


you don’t have to win me over with flattery, baby. I’m what they call a sure thing

I roll my eyes, grinning impishly.


Take that however you will. Bottom line…no pun intended…my arse wants nothing to do with your dick.


I’m looking forward to the moment when you admit how wrong you were


Dream on. I have to go. I have actual work to do.


not before you show me you don’t


Show you what?


how soaking wet you are thinking about my fat cock sinking into your ass

Heat explodes across my face.

I’ve never done that. I mean, obviously I’ve never sent someone a picture like that.

But apparently, this man is able to unlock each and every first of mine he wants. Because before I know what I’m doing, before I can stop myself, I’m lowering my phone under the desk and slowly spreading my legs.


I wince. The first shot is…not sexy. Blurred, badly lit, and basically of my thigh. Yeah, no thanks. I try a few more, but it’s the same result. Finally, realizing it’s the lack of light under the desk, and after finding out the hard way that flash photography of your crotch is about the least sexy thing ever, I get up and move to the small sitting area by my windows.

I try a few more angles in there, before I finally just say screw it and drop my panties. Blushing, I lie back on the sofa, legs spread and my skirt bunched up as I bring the camera lens to my privates.

“Smile…” I murmur, blushing as I—oh my God—snap a couple of pictures of my pussy.

The first few are meh. But then…there it is. The money shot, where you can actually see the glistening heat of my arousal and the pink flush on my lips.

I don’t second guess it. Don’t overthink it. I just hit send, and then immediately turn my phone face down as my face heats.

What the fuck did I just do?

I swallow. It’s fine. It’s not like my face is in it. And as insane as he is, I feel that Hades is the last person who’d ever share something like that, given his lunatic possessive streak.


I hope that suffices. I’m going to work now.


keep the panties off when you do


Lol, no way.


it wasn’t a request. do not put them back on

I bite my lip, grinning.


And how would you even know if I did or not?


by walking into your office or maybe waiting until you’re in one of your bosses’ offices, bending you over, lifting your skirt, and checking. THAT’S how

Aaaaand again, he’s crazy enough to fucking do it, too.


Psycho. Fine, they’re off. I’m working now. Bye.

I open my photo app and delete all the pictures I just took of my pussy, because yikes, I do not need those popping up in a meeting or something.

Then, I pluck my panties off the couch. I’m about to slip them back on, because honestly, why not? But then, heat surging into my face, I walk back over to my desk and slip them deep into my bag instead.

When I sit, I feel a shiver of desire tingle up from between my legs all the way up to my cheeks.

My phone dings once more.


do it




you won’t be able to get any work done until you do


What are you talking about?


you making yourself come

It’s like he’s got a remote control to my libido. To my brain. And to my pussy. Because instantly, it throbs with a need so desperate it actually makes my head spin.


Sounds like projection to me. Did our conversation get you so hot and bothered that you had to jerk off?


you tell me

I’m about to ask what that even means when another picture comes through.

A picture so outrageously lurid, so ridiculously dirty, that I almost drop my phone.

And yet a picture so fucking hot, my thighs squeeze together involuntarily as my core coils and writhes with need.

A picture of Hades’ swollen cock, my panties still wrapped around the thick base, with sticky, glistening white cum dripping down every magnificent inch of him and pooling in my thong.

It’s quite possibly the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.


have fun, kitten

I’ve barely closed the bathroom door behind me before I’m leaning against the sink with one hand under my skirt and the other muffling my strangled cries.

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