The Alpha's Guardian

The Alpha’s Guardian Chapter 51

The first warrior with the broken nose is back up and pushing his pain to the side as he reaches out and grabs my leg mid-kick, keeping it from its original destination in someone's stomach. He tucks my leg up under his arm as he hails down my inner thigh with massive fists, pounding away at my muscles. I scream out in agony as the pain rushes through me. Pushing off of my one working leg, I use it and his hold to project my foot into his nose yet again and he releases me. I fall and roll away to the side when 3 guys come at me in unison.noveldrama

I groan in annoyance. These fvckers don't want to play fair. Fine. An arm wraps around my face as he tries to subdue me and I bite down as hard as I can, taking with me a chunk of flesh. He steps back, covering his bloody arm as I spit his chunk of bloody skin onto the dusty floor.

The guy who has a hold of my arms isn't quick enough to avoid the knee I shove up and into his groin. He goes white as he squeaks and then projectile vomits right at me. I move my head from the line of fire, saving my face from the onslaught of puke but not my shoulder.

The third guy to my right receives the bile to his eyes as he steps back and screams about his eyesight. I stumble back when my leg wavers from all the hits I had taken. From the pain of it, I can only assume he gave me a hairline fracture to my femur.

I look around the room and see only 3 uninjured guys looking furious and afraid, and I laugh. I love to taunt my prey. It's fun for me and makes me feel powerful. But looking at these massive men on the ground in shambles? I have to admit; it does a lot for my ego and so much more for my mood. That is until 5 more guys enter the small space.

"Fvck me," I say exasperated, trying to catch my breath.

"You have a mouth on you" One of them raises a brow, amused.

"You know, it hardly seems fair. Twelve massive warriors to one small little girl?" I try hoping it might even the odds. This is a useless thought, but at least I can catch my breath now.

"How about one-on-one? Would that make you happy?" I smirk at him.


"Too fvcking bad," the lead warrior says, standing, no longer holding his nose as it gushed blood down his chin.

"Rude. what did I do to you?" I scoff at him.

"You broke my fvcking face, you b!tch!"

"I was just making it prettier." I smile sweetly.

He lunges forward again and I step to the side, only to find a fist waiting for my face. It connects and I can feel it through my whole body. I stumble back but balance myself. I'm trained to take hit after hit. Though usually, the hits are a little less forceful. A yell sounds from beside me as a fresh warrior comes running, he ducks his head aiming for my waist, a moment before he overtakes me I jump up and connect my knees with his face, a pain overtakes my side as a kick lands from a different warrior.

I grunt in frustration as I grab hold of his foot and twist it violently. He spins out of it narrowly escaping a broken leg. A hand grabs hold of my hair and yanks hard as he brings his arm down across my chest in a karate chop. It thuds against my hollow lungs, forcing the air to leave me in a high-pitched hiss.

I gasp for air and I see another warrior sauntering forward, a manic smile on his bloody face. My hair seems to still be permanently affixed to the other guy's hand, so reaching down, I release one of my thigh daggers and swing my arm around, slicing my ponytail off where he has a hold of it. My black hair flies free as I lurch forward out of his release and head bvtt the impending warrior.

"Ok boys, anyone up for a breather? Maybe we should take this outside? It's pretty cramped down here?" I ask, getting no response. I roll my eyes.

"Fine. Just. Let's get going. I have things to do!" "Like what?"

"Escape without killing you?" I ask, quirking a brow.

The few remaining men look at each other, then grin. Oh, fvcking hell. They are planning through their mind link. They all step for me in unison and I do a quick headcount. There are only eight standing men. Great. This is going swimmingly for me. The moment two of them duck their heads down, I know I'm done for. There is nothing I can do but hope it's not too much damage and that I can keep my mental barrier up so Wade doesn't have to know how horribly I failed. I doubt Samuel would want to admit a guardian turned on them all, so maybe Wade won't have to know at all that I'm still down here.

All eight men run for me. I jump to avoid the men going low and a solid head hits my side. Gritting my teeth, and I grunt in pain as my cheek crunches with the force of an enormous fist. I fall to the ground with a sickening thud. I can no longer feel my lower extremities, which I'm certain is because of the shock of all the hits landing on me.

I lash out, flailing my arms in firm punches and kicks. The men grunt with an effort from their strikes. Then finally they move off me as I lay feeling physically broken on the ground. Crawling to the wall, panting, I force myself to stand and spin to see a fist right before a blinding pain takes over me and I feel the wall fall away behind me.

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