The Dark Thrall Mating Olivia

Chapter 60 -

Chapter Fifty-Nine

"Killian." Jay repeated slowly.noveldrama


"Outside, now. If you can't sit down and let us talk, then you need to go outside and wait for

me." His words were rough and the whites of his eyes had disappeared. It wasn't like looking into

a wolf's eyes. This was something much older. Much scarier than I was used to.

"Fine. Just know that I'm not happy about this." Killian grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest as he moved to sit across from me in the overstuffed chair.

"Noted." His tone was even and his face unreadable as he looked away from Killian. Pinning me down with those dark inhuman eyes, his body relaxed and he leaned back in the seat. Long legs crossed at the ankle. His hands clasped together in his lap but I could see the tension in his body. He may look relaxed but at the drop of hat, this man could fly across the room.

"I would like to know more about what happened." Jay said.

Killian let out a low growl, flashing sharp teeth at me and I looked away. Realizing that I had been staring at his mate for too long. The tops of my cheeks heated up and I cleared my throat. "It wasn't like that. I didn't come back because she was moving on."

"Then why did you come back?" Jay asked, his voice was so calm and it made me worried. "I found out about my daughter."

"And what do you plan to do now that you know about her?" He asked, the chair creaking as he shifted forward in his seat.

"I want to make things right," I said, looking up from the floor and into Jay's dark eyes. They were so black that it felt like I was staring up into the starless sky. "I want to be in their lives." "You want to be in their lives?" The words were drawn out and Jay's face was an unreadable mask as he thought about what I had said.

"Yes, I don't think that I can fix things with Livie. But I want to try. I want to be there for her and our daughter." I said, swallowing hard.

"No," Killian growled out and I tore my eyes away from Jay, looking over at his mate. "You screwed up. She has us now."

"Killian, this isn't our decision to make alone."

"She's our mate." He said, his skin rippled and I could see the scales beneath his skin. Killian was close to shifting.

"It should be up to Livie," Micheal said and I felt a calmness spread over me that wasn't natural. The scent of burnt almonds wafted into the room. "We need to tell her about this."

I hated when he did the demon-y thing, it was rare but it still freaked me out. I hated it when his other dad used to do it when we were kids and I still hated it.

"Please refrain from doing that again." Jay said, his voice was rough as he turned to slowly stare at Micheal. His hands were on the armrests of the chair. Gripping the wood so hard that it creaked. His feet were planted flat on the wood floor, his legs were tensed up. His muscular body was like a tight coil, ready to spring.

"Sorry, I was worried that your thrall mate would hurt my pack member." Micheal said, setting my phone down onto his desk beside my keys.

"My mate is upset, understandably so. He hurt our woman and now wants to be in her life. It's within our rights to defend her and our daughter."

Their daughter...

My heart dropped in my stomach. Their daughter, their mate.

"Your daughter?" The words were painful as they left my tight throat.

"Yes, ours. We knew she had a child before mating with her. That they were a package deal, so to speak." Killian said, leaning back against the chair. His eyes had softened and I didn't know if it was because of Micheal or his mate. "It doesn't matter that she isn't biologically ours. She will still be raised as our own with any offspring that we have with Olivia."

"Micheal is right though," Jay said, his lips moving over his lower lip. His face had gone back into that unreadable mask. "It is Olivia's decision to make if she wants to let Nick into our daughter's life."

"Jay, you can't be serious."

"I am," he said, pushing himself to stand. "Olivia and Everly are our family, but if the situation were reversed, I wouldn't want to not be able to know my child. Even if I had hurt their mother." His eyes landed on me with a hardness that I couldn't explain.

"Thank you." I whispered, hoping that Olivia would let me be around Everly. That I could try to mend the damage that I had done.

"Don't thank me yet. It's her choice." Jay said before he walked over to the door. His mate stood up and followed him. "If we're through, my mate and I have things we need to do today." "Thank you both for coming by," Micheal said. "Whatever Olivia chooses, I will support her." Jay dipped his head before the two men left the room. I looked over at Micheal and he dragged

a hand over his face. "I think you need to call Chelsea."

"I think you're right."

***Olivia POV***

Pulling the door closed to my bedroom, I rested my hand on the smooth white painted door. She needed her rest, but I always missed her when I put her down for a nap. I cracked the door open so I would be able to hear Everly if she stirred.

I had played with her most of the afternoon, singing songs and reading those thick picture books to her. Trying to make up for being away from her last night.

When her eyes had started to droop, I had taken her to our bedroom. Changing her diaper before nursing her to sleep, watching the way her big brown eyes slowly drifted closed. The way her long lashes rested against her chubby baby cheeks.

I had soaked it in, breathing in the soft scent of her curls. I felt better after spending time with her. But, the mom guilt was strong.

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