The Raven and The Snake

Book 5: Part 11

Ariadne woke up alone. She stretched slowly and noticed a potion sitting on the nightstand next to her wand. Antigone slithered down from the canopy to inspect it.noveldrama

"Good morning," Ariadne yawned.

Antigone hissed, weaving around the little potion bottle. "What is this?"

Ariadne snatched it away from the little snake and uncorked it. She sniffed. "It's... birth control."

Ariadne blushed, drinking it quickly. Antigone eyed Ariadne red cheeks, slithering up to curl around her bruised neck. Her little tongue flicked at Ariadne's right cheek. "You need to control this reaction."

"I know," Ariadne sighed.

Ariadne rebraided her hair with her wand and got dressed. Birdie was fortunately too busy with her latest crush to notice the slight twinge that passed Ariadne's features when Antigone rubbed against the bruises on her neck.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ariadne sat stiffly with her book in front of her. She wasn't sitting with Tony anymore so the seat next to her was empty until Chyou Chang sat down. Even though she had several classes with Chyou, they weren't exactly friends.

Chyou had been dating Cedric Diggory last year until his unfortunate death at Voldemort's hands. Since then, Chyou had been very emotional. She was prone to crying fits in the girls bathrooms and often had fits of temper with her friends till her group had shrunk considerably.

The only girl that stuck ruthlessly to Chyou's side through her extended mourning period was Marietta Edgecombe who promptly sat down next to her. Marietta had been acting as Chyou's sort of guardian angel. She'd stare daggers over Chyou's shoulder anytime Chyou talked to someone, just daring them to say something to aggravate her.

Ariadne wasn't entirely sure how to respond to their presence. Besides a courtesy sympathy card, she'd never spoken to either girl. She gave a sort of tight smile.

"Hello," she said politely.

Chyou smiled sweetly while Marietta glared. "Hello."

"Wands away. Good morning, class." Umbridge chirped sharply.

"Good morning, Professor Umbridge." They drawled dishearteningly.

Chyou followed Ariadne out into the hall, shadowed by Marietta. Ariadne tilted her head curiously, but didn't know what to say.

"You did very well at the DA." Chyou murmured softly as though she were trying not to move her lips. "It was good to see you."

Ariadne held her lips in a tight smile, not moving her lips when she answered. "You were also doing well. I'm sure I will see you again."

Marietta didn't look pleased at that. She clearly only joined the DA because of Chyou. Chyou hadn't simply joined because she believed Harry, she also had a crush on him. Harry felt the same way toward her, but they were both horribly awkward.

Ariadne couldn't see what Chyou saw. The concept of dating a younger man was extremely unappealing. It wasn't because she disliked them or that she particularly liked older men, they just seemed too emotionally immature. One thing women soon realized when they began dating, men don't mature emotionally at the same rate. She pondered how long it takes men to mature. She loved Professor Snape, but he still wasn't mature, a fact she was reminded of constantly when Antigone's scales brushed her bruises.

No point in saying anything though. They would figure things out for themselves.

Chyou sought out Ariadne's company in all their shared classes. It was a little weird, but not terribly unwelcome. People treated Chyou with extra care since the death of her boyfriend. People didn't approach their group with ill intent when Chyou was liable to cry at any moment. Even Umbridge kept a fair distance.

Even with the girl sitting next to her, Ariadne wasn't sure what to say. She just smiled and nodded and did her assignments. She saw Professor Snape raise his eyebrows curiously when she passed by him in the hall followed closely by the Ravenclaws, but she didn't know what to tell him.

"How did you get that formula?" Chyou asked, glancing over at Ariadne's revised potions homework.

The first N.E.W.Ts class was considerably more difficult than any of their previous years. They made a variety of potions that were advanced and the focus today was antidotes. Ariadne could very well be considered years ahead in this area as she'd taken it upon herself to study how to figure out the ingredients of potions without recipes.

While the majority of other students avoided asking Professor Snape questions or attending extra lessons, Ariadne had always made the time to get a jump on future studies. Not to mention the gold mine of notes and theorems she'd uncovered in Professor Snape's house or the fact that she currently had the horribly beaten copy of The Halfblood Prince's Advanced Potions textbook sitting next to her parchment.

Ariadne pointed to the different parts of her equations and explained how she'd gotten to there.

Chyou's eyes shined with admiration, but Marietta's noise wrinkled. "Why aren't you in Ravenclaw?"

Ariadne's fingers brushed over Antigone's scales that were pressed to her throat with a slight smirk. "The Sorting Hat considered I might be suited for them, but decided my skill set was best trained by Slytherin house." Marietta made a disgusted little noise in the back of her throat. She eyed Antigone warily though Antigone was still relatively small and had never been aggressive toward anyone.

Chyou let Ariadne know when the next DA meeting was before the twins had the chance to. Since being kicked off the Quidditch team, their behavior was getting more manic. They were dying for every new DA meeting.

At the next one, Hermione brought a basket of coins that looked very like golden galleons, but on closer inspection, they bore messages. Hermione explained that she'd gotten the idea from the dark mark that Voldemort's followers had burned into their forearms. She'd decided that was too gross and instead used coins.

Ariadne held the little coin in her palm for a long moment before pocketing it. When a Ravenclaw boy asked Hermione why she wasn't in Ravenclaw with a lot more enthusiasm than Marietta had asked Ariadne, Ariadne had to smirk over at the Ravenclaws when Hermione said that she'd chosen Gryffindor the same way Ariadne had chosen Slytherin.

Hermione voluntarily dueled with Ariadne first. Hermione was looking a bit better than usual as her bushy brown hair was twisted into dutch braids. Obviously, she had been to see Merry.

There wasn't much talking this time. Hermione overthought her spells so it was easy for Ariadne to pick up on it. She was brought up short though when Harry brushed closer to her than usual.

Harry's mind was filled with questions, she wasn't sure which one he was going to ask. He muttered something about wanting to talk to her to which she nodded minutely.

Chyou looked puzzled and almost a little hurt when Ariadne stayed behind to talk to Harry. Ariadne gave her the tiniest wave, letting her know it wasn't a big deal. She would probably be asked about it later.

Harry seemed anxious. His inner voice was buzzing with anxiety. Ariadne waited patiently for him to pull himself together, positive he was finally going to ask what she and Snape had left to do after the triwizard tournament. "Fred and George invited you?" He asked suddenly.

She played with the fake galleon Hermione had given her, rolling it over her knuckles in a show of dexterity. "Yeah, they did."

Antigone peeked out from Ariadne's hair. Ariadne was calm, but she'd picked up on Harry's anxiety. He was practically radiating it. His brilliant green eyes flashed to the little snake.

"You've been friends with them for... a long time." Harry muttered.

Ariadne stared at him, vexed. It took a moment to realize he didn't even know how long she'd been at this school. He was a fifth year, about to take his O.W.LS and she had been present to see him through all of them, but he knew nothing at all about her. She was a background character. An oddity that sometimes was near the twins who he liked, and sometimes near Draco and Snape who he hated.

"I have..." She responded cautiously. "We met on the train in our first year. Just like you and Ron."

"And you're in the same year as Cho."

Ariadne's lip curled slightly. It annoyed her that Chyou's crappy nickname was so popular, even the boy who had a crush on her used it. "Yes, I fell back a year when I was petrified. With Hermione."

She could see him trying to recall her. It was almost laughable just how hard he had to try to remember her. She felt a slight tinge of annoyance, but decided it wasn't worth it.

He seemed so muddled. It was almost as though her presence confunded him. She dropped the coin into her pocket again and petted Antigone.

"Did you want to ask me something about Chyou?" she asked.

"N-no." He still seemed confused. "I wanted to ask if... you're a part of the Order."

She smiled a little, Antigone pulling away from her throat to wrap around her forearm. "The Order doesn't recruit students."

"So you know... about it."

Ariadne gave an impatient little sigh. "Sirius Black is my uncle, Potter. I'm best friends with the two most troublesome Weasleys. I am a natural born Legilimens. Of course, I know about the Order."

His green eyes were blank. He didn't seem to know what a Legilimens was. His next question burst from him in a surprisingly little torrent. "Are you on our side?"

Ariadne gazed at Antigone for a moment and answered him in parseltongue. "That unease you feel around me... it's a good instinct, Potter. You should hold onto that. I'm not like you. There is no layer of hell so deep and dark that I won't willingly crawl through it for the people I love."

She turned away from him then. He didn't even realize she'd spoken in snake language. He was such a natural, it sounded no different to him than English. She left the room without consulting his map and strode down to the dungeons. It was as though Professor Snape could smell the room of requirement on her.

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