The Raven and The Snake

The 4th Book: Part 19

Professor Dumbledore called Ariadne into his study shortly after the second task. Professor Snape let her into his office using the password "cockroach clusters", his nose wrinkled. He didn't follow her in. It had been a while since she was last in his office. Nothing much had changed, except for a large dish sitting in an open cupboard. The dish looked to be made of stone and was filled with a softly glowing liquid. "I see you've gotten one," Ariadne nodded to the dish.

"Yes," Professor Dumbledore smiled kindly. "A very nice addition. It's a very useful object."

Ariadne sat down with a sigh. She'd looked up the spell to extract memories, hoping she'd be able to at least learn how to remove them in preparation for the day when she'd be able to use a pensieve. It had been quite disappointing for her to realize that memories imprinted on the soul were not the same as memories from the mind.

It had been a hope that she would be able to finally share her burden of the books, but there was no chance. Professor Dumbledore took note of her disappointment.

"It won't help you, will it?"

"No, Professor. Unfortunately, it will not." Ariadne sighed wistfully and stroked Antigone who was curled at her throat.noveldrama

"A shame. I've found it very useful. I don't suppose you can simply tell me what you were hoping to do?"

She turned a wry smile on him. "We all have our secrets, headmaster."

Something about his smile was a little sad. Of course, he had so very many secrets of his own. He gave a short nod.

"I trust you're prepared to take your exams?" He asked politely.

The exams were coming up fast now. On the last day of the exams, the last task was set. She wasn't terribly nervous about the exams. She was much more nervous about the disapparation lessons that would be taking place later that day. Only wizards who were of age were allowed to take the test for disapparation and with her birthday coming up this spring, she was allowed to attend lessons in preparation for the test.

"Yes, Professor." She was shivering a little even though it wasn't cold in his office.

Even more worrisome than the lesson was the fear of the upcoming task. Despite asking Professor Snape to keep her updated, he'd kept quiet about the dark mark. She'd gone into the potions room right after one of his classes had ended to see Karkaroff, brandishing his forearm at Snape with a terrified expression on his face.

When she was alone with him, she'd demanded that he roll up his sleeve. The mark was darker than it had been just after the world cup. It was very clear now, almost like a fresh tattoo. He'd only allowed her to look at it for a moment, then covered it again. Professor Snape had pretended not to know what that meant, but she'd been thinking about it almost nonstop.

Professor Dumbledore watched her expression. "What is troubling you, Miss Black?"

She fixed her expression. She wasn't supposed to allow her thoughts to show. Part of her plans involved being a much better actress than she was.

"Professor, about what we discussed last year..."

"Aw, yes, I've been meaning to tell you, Snuffles is back in town."

She stared at Professor Dumbledore, a little dumbstruck. It was a pathetic attempt to deflect her. She knew that Snuffles was in Hogsmeade, she'd spotted the black dog on her last visit. He was wearing the harness and, to her great relief, looked healthier than he had months ago when they'd first met.

She hadn't approached the dog, Harry Potter and his friends had been following it. Dumbledore, knowing the dog's identity, probably hadn't been going to alert Ariadne as it was best that as few people were in on the secret as necessary. He was only doing this to keep her from talking about her request.

Ariadne's eyes narrowed at him. "Professor, if he needed to see me for some reason, he would send word. You're not going to distract me."

"I'm not trying to 'distract' you, Miss Black. I know you're smart enough to know what it means that Snuffles has returned."

Oh. He was confirming. It was so strange for her to not be able to anticipate his words and meanings. His occlumancy was very good. She feared the Dark Lord was going to be just as good, if not better. She would need to be careful. She pursed her lips. "Will you allow me to go to my grandfather's side?"

His pale blue eyes stared at her unblinking for a very long minute. She forced herself to remain calm. She was not going to falter.

"You understand how dangerous your request is. You intend to go in as a hostage and a spy. I'm reluctant to ask older and more experienced wizards to do this and you're volunteering.'

"I'm the only one that can do what needs to be done."

"Severus is more than capable of completing his mission alone."

Her jaw tightened a little. "Regardless of his abilities, two sets of eyes and ears are better than one in this particular situation."

"You are still underage." He pointed out, much to her annoyance.

"Albus," She snapped, causing the paintings of former headmasters to grumble. "Don't tell me you're allowing your emotions to get in the way of a tactical decision."

They stared at each other. He's clasped his hands together and was pressing his index fingers to his mouth. His eyes probed her for any sign that she wasn't ready for this. She was determined to be ready, even if he wasn't.

"I understand, Miss Black. When the time comes, I will consult you. Now, I'm sure you'll want to be headed to your lessons." He was waving her off.

She strode from his office without another word.

Antigone hissed her approval. "Very good. Your heart doesn't betray you."

Ariadne was determined to make sure it never would again.

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