The Summer Moon

Chapter 90 -


"Malia answer me," Ty's voice commanded, but I couldn't. I was speechless, my words and mind failing me entirely. How could he possibly think this is the best option and why couldn't he just talk to me about it instead of making this decision. entirely on his own. "Malia," Ty sighed and I cursed the moon goddess for allowing him to hear my thoughts. He didn't deserve to right now, especially when he's been blocking me out for so long.

I took a deep breath then grabbed Liam's hand, allowing me to pull me back to my feet. My side ached only a little, a bruise had formed in the area Liam's leg had collided with but it was healing quickly. I had to get home, I had to be alone, I had to- I don't know what I had to do. I couldn't do anything without Ty anymore, how did he expect me to stay apart from him?

"Malia please," he called out again but I pushed his voice away and turned back to Liam.

"I'm sorry Liam I have to go," I mumbled out then ran from the arena back to my car without waiting for a reply. My heart ached in my chest, as I rest my head for a moment against the steering wheel. I rushed over to Ty's office, only to be disappointed when he wasn't there. Then headed home hoping I would catch him before he left, but only sighed as I was left disappointed again. I climbed into his bed, feeling my body collapsing onto it's self as I felt all my energy drain. He had to come home eventually.

Dinner passed and I still hadn't heard anything else from Ty, would he even come home tonight? The pit in my stomach grew as the thought crossed my mind that this was Ty's way of breaking things off, maybe he just wouldn't come home and not even give me a chance to argue my own side. But my worries quickly washed away as the door opened and Ty strolled in, making my heart pound.

"Hey," he said, leaning back against the door. I watched him curiously, noticing he wasn't daring to come any closer, the distance between us evident. His hair was messier than usual and I could tell her had been running his hands through it, he had been stressed out today.

"Liam told me what happened and I sort of put together the pieces," He mumbled. His head hung, his gaze falling to the floor and I was dying to see the colour of his eyes. I was dying to knowing how he was feeling right now, what he was thinking about. "I'm so sorry Lia that's why I was trying so hard to keep my thoughts away, I didn't want to distract you. I kept feeling you pulling for me and I guess I broke for a second and I fucked up," he said, finally raising his gaze to mine and for a moment my breath caught when I met the pale blue of his eyes. He was begging me for forgiveness, his eyes pleading with mine.

"Well maybe you shouldn't think such stupid things," My voice came out cold and harsh and I watched the shock cross Ty's face. But by the look in his eyes I knew he was serious about his thoughts earlier, he didn't agree they were stupid, and there was no way I was agreeing to that.

"Malia I think this is the best option. These attacks are getting worse and if they're coming after me they'll come after you too,"

"Exactly why we should be together, I am safest when I am with you. You've said it yourself, you said it to my dad just yesterday!" I argued back, losing control as I spoke and raising my voice. I could feel my wolf come forwards as my anger rose but willed myself to take some deep breaths. We could get through this, everything would be fine.

"I can't protect you from this!" Ty shouted back, finally breaking the serious look on his face, his emotion flooding forwards. He stood from his spot against the door. His hands clenched at his sides and his body tensed.

"I'm not asking you to protect me! I just want you to be here!" Our argument continued over the next hour, not making any ground as we shouted at each other. It quickly became the worst argument we'd ever had, worse that when I found out Ty was a wolf, worse than when I had gone on a date with Tom. Until finally, the end came.

"I'm not arguing with you anymore Malia, the decision is made. Stay here until your dad is back, then you can go home if that makes you more comfortable," Ty's voice was strong and clear, unwavering as he spoke and I felt it pierce through my heart.

"You can't make me leave, I live here now remember? I'm staying" I argued back.

"Fine, but I'm not," and with that Ty turned and walked out of the room. With all my energy I scrambled from the bed, finding my legs tangled in the sheets and holding me back. Once free, I ran after him down the stairs and out the back door but I was too late. Ty was already halfway to the forest, pulling his shirt over head. I knew that once Ty shifted I would never be able to catch him, but I kept running towards him anyways. Ty kicked his shoes from his feet then jumped forwards, the black fur bursting out and the rest of his clothes tearing to shreds. My chances of catching him being torn away as he began to run.

"Ty!" I screamed after him as he took off into the forest, I stomped my foot on the ground dramatically and felt the tears pour down my cheeks. Then suddenly the rain from above poured down as if the sky had just dropped buckets of water over our town and I couldn't have imagined more fitting weather for what had just happened.

I was completely soaked by the time I went back inside, My entire body shivered, but it wasn't because of the cold but because of Ty. I needed him here with me, desperately. I changed my clothes into a dry pair of pyjamas and pulled on one of Ty's sweaters, then returned to the warmth of his bed. The tears on my cheeks had slowed down, but my mind was still racing. 24 hours ago Ty and I were supposed to be moving in together, tomorrow we were supposed to be going to look at our dream house, and now what? Now I'm alone, praying he'll change his mind and come back.

"It's only temporary Lia, I love you," he called out to me and I settled a little. Temporary, I had to focus on that. Knowing that we would still come together in the end was the only thing that would hold me together. "At least we still have this," I whispered back and I felt his mood perk up a little too, and finally after so much silence his thoughts came rushing forwards. At least there was this.

The next 24 hours passed quietly, Ty never came home, and my heart felt like it had broken in half. "I miss you," I mind linked him, my heart was aching for his presence, knowing only he could comfort me right now.

"You have no idea, I've been rereading the same paragraph for 20 minutes because I keep getting distracted," he groaned back and it made me giggle a little bit, distracting me from how much I missed his touch. I understood why Ty thought this was the right thing to do, but I wish he could just see that putting any distance between us was more dangerous than anything in my opinion.

Liam offered to keep training me in the mornings and I happily agreed. I think he was just trying to distract himself from whatever was going on between him and Alana, but the distraction was good for me when I needed it. Plus, Liam was actually surprisingly easy to talk to since no one's love life could be more messy than his. So I spent my morning ranting to him about Ty and everything that had been going on between us.

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Liam blurted out when I finished my story, "You've mated and marked, his scent is all over you. Anyone who was really out to get him would have no problem finding you," he explained and I felt a chill run down my spine. "sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said, offering my a guilty smile. But he was right, maybe I should be a little more concerned about what was going on. I was definitely a lot weaker than Ty and with my lack of training and experience, I'd be an easy target. I shook my head, shaking the fear away.

"Well can you please tell him that? Because he's really set on this," I said back to Liam, then lunged forward to attack him but he easily stepped from my reach.noveldrama

"You're getting better, but not good enough," he laughed at me. "I'll try to talk to him tonight, he's staying at Jesse's" My eyes widened, I knew where Ty would be. I could get to him, this was my chance to talk to him and convince him that this was the wrong decision. Then all at once Liam jumped forwards, his eyes widening to match mine. "Fuck me, i wasn't supposed to tell you that either. Now Ty's really going to kill me," Liam groaned as the biggest smile came across my face.

"Thank youuu," I said practically ready to jump up and down with excitement, but using all my concentration to hide the thoughts from Ty so he wouldn't see me coming. "And to show you how thankful I am, I will convince Alana to give you a third chance," I promised him which made Liam perk up right away.

"Totally worth it, consider me officially Team Malia," Liam raised his hand and saluted me like a soldier and I burst out laughing, this was going to be fun. But first, I had to get through the house viewing Ty and I had scheduled for this afternoon. This home was totally gorgeous and yesterday I had been so excited to see it, I was so certain that this was going to be our dream home.

I stepped onto the front step, thankful that Alana had agreed to come with me, then punched in the combination for the lockbox that hung from the door. This house was breath taking before I had even unlocked the door. The white bricks, the flowers, the trees that surrounded it, everything about this house drew me in. Tears threatened in the back of my eyes but I pushed them back. This was supposed to be our first home, we were going to build a life together here, start a family. Suddenly I heard branches breaking beside me and I snapped my head to the left only to have my heart pound against my chest. There was Ty, walking from the forest's edge and pulling a clean t shirt over his head. He ran his hand through his hair pushing it back and out of his eyes. Dark bags hung under his eyes and an ache began in my heart, knowing that he hadn't slept well last night either.

"Of course I'm here, we have an appointment," he gave me a sad smile.

"And I came too, thought he'd want some company," Liam jumped out from behind him surprising me. I heard Alana groan dramatically and I made a mental note reminding myself to apologize to her later, but grateful that she was here to be my buffer with Ty.

"I thought you wanted space from me," I blurted out without thinking, and immediately regretted it when I watched the hurt cross Ty's face.

Ty let out a forced laugh as he looked me over, "Considering you're still sleeping in my bed and apparently now wearing my clothes as yours, I don't think I'm doing a very good job of hiding you yet." I blushed and looked down, remembering that I had decided to wear one of Ty's t shirts today hoping it would make me miss him a little less.

"Then what is the point in all this?" I asked, but he didn't answer. Instead, he shook his head and looked back to the house in front of us.

"This place is gorgeous," he said and just like that the conversation was over, while I was left wondering why he really was here if he had just said last night he needed to stay away from me. He stood looking around outside, admiring the same flowers I had just been admiring myself.

Together the two of us wandered through the house, the electricity racing between us as we brushed passed each other in each of the room. Alana and Liam went there separate way, and I could hear them bickering as they looked around the basement while Ty and I wandered the main floor and upstairs. With each room we looked at I could imagine us living here, raising our family here. We could be happy here, and that thought only made my heart break more. "This place is perfect," Ty mumbled as we came back into the kitchen after finishing our tour. He was right, this place was everything I dreamed of and I was completely in love with it. "So what do you think?" He asked me as I leaned back against the counter.

"Does it matter?" I shrugged, refusing to meet his eyes. We couldn't have this place, we weren't even living together right now. We were just standing by and watching as our whole future was torn away from us by these stupid rogue attacks. Below us I could still hear Liam and Alana bickering, and I wanted to scream at them to just work it out. At least they could be together.

"Malia I told you I need space from you because you're going to get hurt. It's not forever, it doesn't mean I don't want to be with you. It doesn't change anything, I still want you I still want this house and our future. Please, this isn't any easier for me," Ty stepped closer and I could feel the electricity pulse through the inches between us. I looked up to meet his eyes and all the hurt I'd been feeling over the past 24 hours rushed forwards like waterfalls down my cheeks. "Malia why are you crying?," Ty's hand came up to my cheek, touching me for the first time since our fight began. My skin burned beneath him and I wanted to reach out, to pull him into me, to hug him with all I had and beg him to never leave me alone again. But instead, i stayed frozen, to have him reject me one more time would break me into a million pieces.

"Because I want this stupid house," I sobbed and Ty's eyes closed, pain written all over his face. Then he leaned in, his arm wrapping around me and lifting me up onto the counter. He pressed himself between my legs, his hands roaming up my sides to rest on my cheeks.

"Then we'll get the stupid house," he smiled at me, but it only made my sobs come quicker.

"So what? So I can live here alone?" Ty's eyes fell to mine, his gaze soft as he held me. He pressed his forehead against mine but I couldn't take this any longer. His touch I had been craving so badly wasn't enough, I wanted more of him but I knew I couldn't push this any farther without pushing him away. So instead I pushed against his shoulders, making him step back from me and slid back down to the floor. "Forget it, my dad will be home in the morning so I'll just go back to my house and live there. At least then I won't be alone," I mumbled, moving to push past him but Ty's hand caught my arm.

"Lia," he whispered, his eyes that shallow blue colour that told me he was hurting. Then in the flash of a second they were black, his eyes widening and his head whipped around the room. His back pressing against me as he pushed me back against the counter again. "Something's wrong, someone's here. Malia you have to hide, now." Ty demanded, his alpha tone coming forwards and a chill ran down my spine.

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