The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 MIRO

My brother's face swung to the side as my fist connected with it but he had no reaction of pain as he touched his lip and found blood on his hand.

Then he looked at me, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What the hell was that about?" He asked and the fact that he hadn't caught on by now made me even angrier.

I punched him again and this time, he staggered slightly, earning another cut on the lip. "I see how it is." He muttered before dropping his suitcase and jacket on the couch. When his blue eyes landed on me, a deadly shiver went all over my body, warning me to desist from this act but I was too angry to listen.

"Your pupils are dilated." He observed. "That's a side effect of that nasty diet Dad's got you eating. It makes you aggressive for no reason but that's okay. You've gotten two strikes in." He said, as he

began to roll up his sleeves, revealing matching tattoos with me. "Those two strikes are all you're ever going to get. If you can't talk like an adult, then I'm going to beat you like a child." He said, curling his hands into fists.

I smirked as I got into a fighting stance and raised my own fists as well. Theon saw them and nodded once. "Very well then."

And so the fight between us began.

Theon an expert in hand to hand combat and martial arts was able to block and predict my moves before I could and them. Eventually, I was able to jab him in the ribs but I was not prepared for his blow to my right eye. I became disoriented for a moment, feeling the world shift underneath me before I fell to my knees.

"Stay down." My brother warned but that infuriated me even more. He doesn't get to tell me shit!

I rose to my feet and swung at him again. This time, he blocked my assault on time and in retaliation, landed a powerful blow to my face. The impact made me see stars for a moment before I fell hard on my back.

Coughing, I rolled onto my side.

"What the hell is going on, Ro?" Theon asked, coming closer. "Why aren't you talking to

me?" The moment he got near, I locked his feet with mine, thus pulling him to the ground. In a flash, I was on top of him, taking the vase of flowers off the center table and slamming it against his head. Theon wasn't able to catch the vase in time, thus suffering a medium si Instantly, blood began to pour from his cut, but I didn't care. I was able to get two blows in before he sank his claws into my side, making me groan out in pain. In one breath, Theon grabbed my throat and in a flash, my back was slammed on the ground. Pulling back his fist I gripped my bleeding side as I got off the floor and leaned my back against the couch. Theon gripped his head and winced before easing his back from the floor to the couch as well.

The sounds of our breathing filled the air between us as we glared at each other. After a while of nothing but catching our breaths and letting our wounds heal, Theon shook his head and rose to his feet. I heard his feet pad to some distance, then I heard the clink of glass a his feet grew louder,

Theon stopped in front of me and offered a half-filled glass of bourbon. I glared at him and then at the glass before collecting it from him. Theon then went to the seat opposite me and sat down before taking a drink. I took a drink as well, wincing as the liquid burned my throat down to my chest but loving how it made me feel better.

Heaving out a sigh, I placed the cup on the table before looking at my brother who had his elbows resting on his knees, watching me. I scoffed and struggled to get up but the sharp pain in my side let me know I wasn't fully healed yet.




"Care to tell me what your problem is now?" Theon asked and I scoffed in reply.

"Why? You're going to beat it out of me?"

"If necessary, yes." He answered, in a business-like tone and I believed him. He had once tied me to a torture chair when we were seventeen to ask where I hid his diary, so I wouldn't put it past him.

I sighed, feeling the adrenaline wear off. "I had an encounter with Ryn yesterday."

"Okay, and?" Theon asked and I frowned at him in anger.

"You want to tell me you didn't give her a fucking Moonstone and share your lifeforce with her?"

My brother cocked his head to the side. "I actually did. What I don't understand is how that is upsetting to you."

I huffed out a breath in disbelief. Is my brother really serious right now? "You don't know what

that has to do with me?" I asked, and there was no form of remorse or empathy on his features. "You fucking asshole from the pits of hell! You'd give some random girl your lifeforce but then, when I needed you to share it with me so I could-" I paused, feeling all the buried "When I needed to avenge her, you told me you could not help me."

Theon nodded understandingly. "I get how you feel, brother, and if history had to repeat itself, I'd make the same choice all over again."

I blinked in shock. I knew my brother was cruel but I never knew he was this terrible and shitty.

Managing to rise to my feet, I began to slowly pace around, as memories from the past haunted me. "Why?" I later asked, feeling a heavy weight of sadness settle on my chest. "Why didn't you help me avenge our little sister?"

He hesitated. "Because what's done is done, Ro. Mutants killed Nora and crippled your wolf to send a message. Borrowing the Moonstone to attack them was the height of stupidity."

I glared at my brother. "I could have had him. I could have had Dominic Tarrent, if you had even gone with me. We could have gotten justice for Nora."

"Oh please." Theon said, rising to his feet and shoving his hands in his pockets. "I know what this is really about. Somehow, Dad's gotten to you, upstairs." He pointed to his head as a reference. "Hasn't he?"

"This has nothing to do with, Dad!" I replied. "This has everything to do with you and how you always let me down when I needed you the most but when it comes to Ryn, you're a knight in shining armor, breaking rules and shit! Are you saying Ryn's life is more important th

"I'm saying Ryn's life is just as precious as yours." Theon glared. "Facing someone like Dominic Tarrent back then would have definitely taken your life but I'm tired of talking. It's obvious you won't see my point as long as you keep eating that nasty diet." "You're just jealous that Dad is finally looking my way and you're no longer the golden Prince."

Theon approached me and removed a hand from his pocket to place on my shoulder. "I have had a really long night and I am going to sleep. Congratulations on being Dad's new favorite." He said and with that, began to walk away. Anger rushed within me at his nonchalance.

"Ryn won't make it." I said. "Ryn won't graduate."

Theon stopped with his back to me. "Whatever's happening between us, leave Ryn out of it."

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"And if I don't?"

My brother turned to look at me. His eyes finally reflecting the rage he's feeling deep within. "If you don't and Ryn loses her place on the Force, then forget you have a brother."

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